At Alma Street Veterinary Hospital we are equipped to perform various surgical procedures. These vary from suturing wounds or removing lumps, to complex fracture repairs and complex abdominal surgery (such as removal of foreign objects). Some surgeries need to be performed urgently such as caesareans or twisted stomach, others are more elective and can be booked in at a later date. For these surgeries, the following points help.

Prior to surgery your pet is to have all food taken away from 10pm the night before but water is fine. You bring your pet to the Hospital between 8:00am – 8:30am on the day. Your pet has a check over with a veterinarian to check the health of your animal and discuss the options of the surgery.

Your pet is administered a sedative and pain relief prior, and administered fluids during surgery. Once surgery is completed and your pet is in recovery you are notified of the surgery outcome and when you pet is available to be picked up, usually after 3pm.

** In unforeseen circumstances (e.g emergencies and complications), your pet may have to stay overnight.

Please call to make a appointment or any questions you may have on 07 4922 8138


To assist your pet in a healthy recovery from surgery it is helpful to :

• Provide clean, dry bedding in a quiet place. Due to the anaesthetic, your pet may be tired for 1-2 days.

• Provide your pet with a small evening meal of about half the normal quantity. Some patients may not eat after surgery. Always supply clean fresh water.

• Please keep your pet quiet for 4-5 days, as this will reduce swelling and the reaction to the sutures.

• Please check the wound daily for any abnormalities such as excessive swelling, discharge or missing sutures. If your pet is chewing or licking at the sutures excessively, we may need to put a special collar on them to prevent them from irritating or removing the sutures.

• Your pet cannot get wet for 10 days as water can get into the surgery site and cause an infection, this includes bathing and going to the beach.

• If your pet should require any medication, please follow the vet’s instructions or the medication label and below.

• The sutures are to be removed in 10-14 days after the surgery. Please phone the Hospital for an appointment to arrange this.

• If there are any problems after the surgery, such as vomiting or problems with the wound, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
Thank-you and all the best.

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Call us or use our online booking system to ensure your pet enjoys the most optimal health possible. We’d love to see you!